Eleanor Groves
Associate Solicitor

More about Eleanor Groves
Eleanor grew up in the South of England before heading up North to study for her Law with Criminology Degree at Edge Hill University and her Masters in Legal Practice at BPP Manchester. Eleanor is the current Law Alumni President at Edge Hill University, sits on their Employers Advisory Panel and was the 2022/2023 Alumni of the year for her work with the university.
She began her legal career in 2018, with Express Solicitors, holding various roles as she progressed. She is currently an Associate Solicitor in the Occupier’s and Public Liability Department and spearheads the Cosmetic Negligence Team. Eleanor and her team deal with all manner of beauty related injuries from allergic reactions to negligent cosmetic surgery. Eleanor also has lots of experience dealing with all types of OLPL claims and handles a small number of RTA claims too.
As a specialised lawyer in the area of cosmetic negligence she is able to deal with claims arising of the various new treatments that become popular every year. She is particularly supportive of the move towards more regulation of the industry in the hopes of safer practices for everyone in the future.
Eleanor recently wrote on the subject for Legal Futures, you can read the article here.
Notable recent cases
- Successfully represented a client who was struck in the head while visiting a public beach from a paddleboard which flew off a privately owned property. The matter was firmly denied all the way to trial. The claimant successfully recovered damages for her injury and even beat her own offer for settlement made in the months leading up to trial. The Claimant recovered £9700 in damages.
- Settled before trial an injury resulting from laser hair removal, when the technician went over the Claimant’s neck tattoo, this caused a burn injury and permanent damage to the tattoo, liability was denied throughout. The Claimant recovered £9,000 in damages.
- Negotiated a settlement of £10,500 for a client when an experimental treatment in an intimate area went wrong. The Claimant had been given a consent form relating to eyelid surgery. With the help of the costs department £21,000 of costs were recovered from the Defendant.
- Win at trial for a Client who suffered from a serious allergic reaction to eyebrow dye that was applied without a patch test and after the eyebrows were waxed. Liability was denied until trial, 4 barristers said they could not say prospects were above 50% chance of success. Eleanor was confident in the success of the matter she all but guaranteed a win to her Head of Department. The Claimant recovered £12,240 in damages after she was left with permanently deficient eyebrows.