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Express Solicitors secure £500,000 for chef after falling down stairs

Client stories

Mr Pias Coral, a chef from London, sustained life changing injuries after falling down an improperly lit staircase.

Express Solicitors’ Sarah Mawdsley was able to help Mr Coral recover £500,000 in personal injury compensation to secure his future financially now that his job as a chef is in doubt over his injuries.

Unfit staircase leads to life changing injuries

In 2013, Mr Pias Coral was leaving his first floor flat for a trip to the shops. Because the stairwell in his apartment building was not properly lit, he did not see the first step and so fell head first down the entire staircase. He landed with his foot against the wall, twisting and breaking his leg and ankle just below the knee.

Hearing his cries for help, his neighbour assisted him while he waited in agony for the ambulance. He was diagnosed with a severe break which required several surgeries to fix the bone.

Mr Coral had to take twelve months off work due to his injuries and struggled financially to pay his bills and support his family. Despite not fully recovering, he was forced to return to work at his job as a chef in a prison, receiving help from inmates during his duties.

Daniel Slade Express Solicitors

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Fighting for a secure and certain future

Mr Coral approached Express Solicitors for assistance around two months after his accident; this allowed us to start early investigations with the landlord and his insurers.

The main legal precedent for compensation in this case is establishing the financial impact the injuries have and will have on the client. Because of early investigations, solicitor Sarah Mawdsley was able to get an admission of responsibility from the landlord and an agreement to pay compensation. The goal now was to get a sum that adequately reflected the hardships of Mr Corals’ life following the fall.

Medics advised that he would have to give up his job entirely in the future, despite him taking twelve months off during recovery. While Sarah was able to obtain payments from the landlord’s insurer to cover some of his lost wages immediately after the fall, it was not enough to secure his future with very little employment prospects.

Unfortunately, Mr Coral’s symptoms are likely to become worse as he gets older and it’s incredibly likely that he’ll have to give up work sooner or later. He’ll also likely have to move to a ground floor property as stairs now cause him severe difficulties.

Securing a man’s future

After much negotiation with the landlord’s solicitors, Sarah and the team were able to secure Mr Coral a settlement sum of £500,000 in order to secure the financial future for both him and his family.

Sarah Mawdsley, Mr Coral’s solicitor, said the situation was bittersweet but was happy to give her client the best possible outlook moving forward, “Whilst we cannot take away the pain and difficulties he still has, this money has given Mr Pias Coral the financial security to give up his job, get the care and assistance he needs, move to a ground floor premises and adapt these premises if he needs to.”

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