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Child who split head open in hotel room receives £20,000

Client stories

When a young boy rolled off the sofa of his family’s hotel room and cut his head on metal protruding from the furniture, he suffered more than physical injuries.

Seeing the long term psychological effects that the scarring from the injury had on the boy and his family, we worked hard to secure them personal injury compensation of £20,000 for the pain and suffering, both physical and psychological.

Physical and psychological scars for innocent child

The boy and his family were staying at a hotel in August 2014, when the young child was dozing on the sofa. He rolled over and fell out, striking his forehead on a piece of exposed metal from the bed frame.

He was left with lacerations which would become a 3cm long permanent scar above his left eye. He was rushed to hospital where the wound was closed but remained irritated over the coming weeks. After several weeks the wound healed but left an irregular shaped scar on his forehead stretching towards the hairline – noticeably visible from conversational distance.

The child found the incident traumatic and developed acute stress symptoms, disturbed sleep, separation anxiety, and elevated general anxiety.

The emotional symptoms persisted for around a month after the incident, but resurfaced after he started primary school due to bullying from other students. He grew his hair longer in order to try and cover the scar when attending school.

Doctors advised that the scar was not only permanent, but would also become wider as he aged. There was a 30% chance that it would widen enough to require revision surgery in the future.

Daniel Slade Express Solicitors

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Helping a traumatised child

Catherine Moore and the Express Solicitors team represented the child and his family in their pursuit for a fair settlement for his injuries and subsequent trauma.

Not only had the child been badly injured as a result of negligence on the part of the hotel, he would also carry the consequences of that negligence with him for the rest of his life.

Catherine set out the case that the hotel had breached its statutory duty under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 s.2 and was negligent in failing to take reasonable care to ensure that the hotel room was reasonably safe for guests.

Catherine and the team reached out to a consultant plastic surgeon to provide expert evidence on the nature and severity of the wound, as well as future concerns which would need to be taken into account when calculating a fair settlement.

£20,000 to help a young man grow up with confidence

By presenting a case reinforced with expert medical evidence and an admission of liability from the Defendant, Catherine helped secure the boy and his family an out-of-court settlement of £20,000.

The bulk of the basis for the claim was for continued purchase of camouflaging make-up products on an annual basis and regular camouflaging consultations until the boy’s skin matured.

Catherine was glad to help the family but particularly the victim, “This young man is going to face challenges growing up as a result of his injuries sustained as the result of the hotel’s negligence. There are still questions about how his skin will adapt to scarring as he matures and the prominent location of the wound means that he will have to learn to live with it as best as he can. Our hearts go out to this brave boy but we’re glad to have helped secure a sum large enough to help him over the coming years.

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