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Express Solicitors win £14,000 for spring roll victim

Client stories

When Clive Whittard took a bite out of a spring roll from his local Waitrose, he was met with an unpleasant surprise which led to him needing emergency dental surgery.

Unsatisfied with his experience with Waitrose following a complaint, Express Solicitors helped Clive win over £14,000 in personal injury compensation – a far cry from their original offer of a £20 voucher.

An unwelcome surprise leads to emergency dental surgery

In July 2012, Clive Whittard bought a spring roll from Waitrose for his lunch. After taking just one bite, a searing pain meant something was immediately wrong. Something had inserted itself into his gum and become stuck between the wisdom tooth and the crown.

The severity of the pain pushed Mr Whittard to call the NHS direct helpline who advised him to book an emergency dental appointment, which cost him £90.00. He was informed that his gum had been split and needed stitches, as well as there being damage to his wisdom tooth. The tooth was repaired but only temporarily, with it needing to be removed in the future.

Daniel Slade Express Solicitors

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A flippant response from Waitrose

Mr Whittard returned to Waitrose the following day to complain. The incident was recorded and he was asked to provide proof of purchase, along with the offending object that had been lodged in his gum.

After waiting for a response from Waitrose head office, Mr Whittard was sent a letter explaining that a piece of bamboo had been in the spring roll which was what caused the issue. The product was to be taken off the shelves so the supermarket could be confident the issue would never happen again. The letter also contained a £20 voucher for the supermarket – not exactly appropriate compensation and not even of equivalent value to the emergency dental appointment.

Mr Whittard responded with his displeasure at the paltry sum offered considering the injuries he’d sustained and enquired about further compensation. He was informed that Waitrose considered the matter closed and that no further compensation was forthcoming.

At this point, Mr Whittard sought legal advice from Express Solicitors. Leanne Rowley took on the case and, despite coming up against a such a large opponent, fought hard for adequate compensation for their negligence.

Compensation far more than a voucher

Following a legal fight against Waitrose to secure a settlement proportionate to Mr Whittard’s pain and their negligence, a substantial compensation package of more than £14,000 was agreed.

Leanne Rowley was delighted to help Mr Whittard secure such a victory over a large company, “After a derisory initial offering of a gift voucher and the dismissive handling of this incident by Waitrose, it’s incredibly satisfying to see Clive win such a sum after the pain and stress he suffered.”

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